• RESTful Application Development with Python Flask, Part 1

    Flask is a popular micro-framework written in Python. It has a very small core and it is very easy to extend. There are barely any restrictions or fixed structures for Flask framework, which means, it is also very easy to mess things up. In this tutorial series, I will try to demonstrate how to build a Flask RESTful application from scratch.

  • Design Better URLs

    If you are designing RESTful APIs, designing the URLs is always a challenge. In this post, I tried to summarize a few key points that might help you to design better URLs.

  • Adopting Black Code Formatter

    Finally, we’ve decided to adopt Black code styling for all our python projects. I wanted to do this without making too many side-changes to the project file structures, so I went with another python tool called Pre-Commit.

  • Install Different Versions of Python from Source

    Python 3.8 comes as a default with Fedora 32. However, sometimes you may wish to install other versions for development and test purposes. In this post, I will show you how to install Python 3.7 and 3.6 on Fedora 32.

  • First post!!!

    It has been a really, really looooong time since I wrote anything in a blog. Last I wrote on I, Me and Myself was sometime around November of 2015, and my other blog was even older. Life got busier and I had to take a step back from everything else.

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